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Adult Skills

Multiply: Maths & Numeracy Skills for Life

Multiply is a new Government funded programme, to help adults improve their numeracy skills.

As part of the Skills for Life, the Multiply project is a range of FREE numeracy courses, for those aged 19+ that don’t have a maths GCSE at grade C (or equivalent). The courses help you brush up on your maths skills and become more confident with numbers.

Multiply courses are tailored to help you gain the numeracy skills you need for work, that are recognised by employers. Good numeracy skills can unlock new job opportunities and could lead to higher wages or prepare you for further study, such as a Level 3 qualification (equivalent to an A Level) or an Apprenticeship.

Numeracy skills also help in everyday life, such as helping children with homework and budgeting money.

Choose from a range of courses from beginner, to more advanced, and at a pace that suits you.

Employers: Maths and numeracy skills for your staff

Do your staff need to upskill in maths? We can work with you to identify any skills gaps, and deliver a bespoke Multiply programme that’s right for your organisation. Complete this short form and our Business Development Team will be in contact soon.

Where it can lead to

There are number of routes you can take following successful completion of a course. Further study can include Higher Education courses or a Higher Apprenticeship where you will expand your skills through study whilst earning a wage. Or you may choose to move directly into employment.

Contact our careers team for further guidance.