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Advanced Learner Loans

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Study now - pay later.

You can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to help with the costs of studying certain courses with us.

Loan eligibility does not depend on your income and there are no credit checks.

To be eligible you’ll need to be:


You’ll have to pay your loan back when you’ve finished your course AND your earnings are above the repayment threshold, which is currently £27,295.

Repayments start in the April following the completion of your course. Your annual repayment amount will be 9% of any income you receive over the repayment threshold (currently £27,295).

Examples of repayments based on different salaries are shown below.


If you complete a Higher Education course after your access course, your loan will be ‘written off’ - so you don’t have to repay it at all!

Example repayment amounts

You won't have to pay your loan back until you're earning over the repayment threshold (currently £27,295).

  • If you earned up to £27,295 a year, your monthly repayment would be £0
  • If you earned £30,000 a year, your monthly repayment would be £20
  • If you earned £34,000 a year, your monthly repayment would be £50
  • If you earned £36,000 a year, your monthly repayment would be £65
Further information

You can call Student Finance England on 0300 100 0607.

Alternatively, you can visit the Advanced Learner Loan Government website for more information.

For independent financial advice, contact the Money Advice Service.