12th August 2020
Congratulations to all our students in the Class of 2020!
** 20 Aug Update - Delayed results
Due to the latest guidance and announcement from Ofqual, some students may experience delays with receiving their results as they are currently being reviewed. If you have not received your course outcome, please bear with us as we aim to work with your qualifications awarding body.
As soon as we are able to provide an update, you will receive an email from us in your college student email account. For any students that have any questions or concerns, please email exams@bdc.ac.uk to discuss your options.
Rising to the challenge, many of you have been able to adapt to the new norm and completed your qualification despite all of the changes this year presented.
We are proud of your achievements and look forward to either seeing many familiar faces progress their learning with us or hearing about your successes in your chosen next steps.
We understand many of you are keen to receive your results which have traditionally been collected in person at the college in the past years.
For the majority of students, your final results will be emailed to your college student email account once they are received by the college. For a small number of students, we will email (your college student email account) advising you of when your results are ready to be personally collected from the college.
Results from various awarding bodies are released at various dates and will be shared as below. For the majority of students, your results will be available on either Thursday 20th or 27th August. A smaller number of students will be receiving their results on Thursday 13th August.
Thursday 13 August 2020
- Level 3
Thursday 20 August 2020
- Level 2
Throughout August-October 2020
- All other qualifications/levels not mentioned above
If you have any questions or concerns in the lead up to your results, you can email exams@bdc.ac.uk
Wishing all our students the best for your results.