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Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 1

Young people help clean up

21st June 2024

Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a ‘Community Clean Up Day’.

Coinciding with World Environment Day earlier this month, the young people donned high-vis clothes and took to the local streets to litter pick. World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.

This collaborative event provided students and staff with the opportunity to learn about the critical role we all play in safeguarding our planet.

Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 2
Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 2

Students first attended a workshop led by staff from the council’s Waste Minimisation Dept. They learnt about environmental initiatives and actionable steps to improve our surroundings.

Following these insightful sessions, they took to the local area to collect rubbish from the streets, contributing to the cleanliness and well-being of our community.

Dianna Dawkins, Learner Involvement Coordinator at the College, who organised the event explains: “We did it as a social action project for the community, involving students from across different curriculum areas of the college. The students did a great job, and we look forward to organising more similar events in the future.”

Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 3
Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 3

One of the students said: "My name is Hina Zubair. I have been living in Dagenham for more than 7 years. It was a pleasure to join the community cleaning event at the college and contribute to our local community. It was satisfying to see all the litter we had picked up, making our environment cleaner. We should continue to teach and train our community to, ‘Not to litter because it makes the world bitter’ and, ‘Live life cleaner because it makes earth greener’.

“We should also remember three "Rs", "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle".

Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 4
Barking and Dagenham College students joined forces with the local council for a Community Clean Up Day 4
Dianna Dawkins Learner Involvement Coordinator and Anthony Brathwaite Director of Student Welfare Support arranged
Dianna Dawkins Learner Involvement Coordinator and Anthony Brathwaite Director of Student Welfare Support arranged

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