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World's first radioactive jewellery

11th April 2016

The World's first safe-to-wear radioactive jewellery has been created by former Barking & Dagenham College student 23 year old Phillip Bannister.

The World’s first safe-to-wear radioactive jewellery has been created by a 23 year old London jeweller.

Phillip Bannister, a former engineering student from Barking & Dagenham College, has created radioactive jewellery with precious gems that glow in the dark.

The 23-year-old jeweller has perfected a method to place radiation rods in his creations to make precious metals and gems glow.

“I first came up with the idea two years ago and I’ve been perfecting it ever since – it’s quite hard to make the rods a part of the jewellery.”

Philip explains.

In February this year, after finally honing his technique, the young designer secured a copyright on the idea of putting radiation into jewellery to create the distinctive glow.

His can radioactive accessories can glow for a decade.

Phillip lives in Barking, East London with his girlfriend, graphic designer Kirsty Sedgwick, 21, who he met at Barking & Dagenham College. In January, they started their own business called Anunnaki Jewels; as a start-up, they’ve had to turn their small flat into a forge in which Philip produces jewellery designs inspired by ancient societies such as the Mayans.

His passion for jewellery began while studying engineering at Barking and Dagenham College. So far, nine unique pieces of radioactive jewellery have been created, including the pictured Mayan-inspired ‘Radioactive Crystal Skull Ring’, which is on sale for £124.

So, the first question on any would-be customers’ lips would no doubt be ‘Is the radioactive jewellery safe’?

Phillip assures customers that his creations are completely safe:

“We use tiny amounts of radioactive Hydrogen-3 Triton to create unique pieces of jewellery. Hydrogen-3 Triton is 100%, completely safe because it is a very weak source of radiation; it is a low energy beta emitter and its particles are unable to penetrate the skin.

“It is used widely in modern watches to make the hands glow and has lots of other common uses, such as, it’s often used by night fisherman to make the ends of their rods glow.”

Philip and Kirsty applied for a £10K ‘Start Up Loan’ – a Government-backed personal loan for business purposes - to get their business off the ground (and out of the tiny flat!). To buy one of Philip’s unique creations, visit

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