17th September 2024
Students celebrated their BTEC and T-level results at Barking & Dagenham College
Several hundred young people received their results on Thursday 15th August. Amongst those celebrating their achievements were:
18-year-old Grace Clucas from Newham who was delighted to achieve a Distinction in her engineering T-level. Grace said she “loved” doing the T-level and has secured a 3-year Apprenticeship with TfL. “I would definitely recommend doing a T-level,” enthused Grace, “for me the mixture of work and study helped me decide whether an apprenticeship or university was best for me.”
Kevin Aquino from Romford did a BTEC in media and got D*DD. The 19-year-old has already secured a prestigious paid internship, working in a virtual production studio. He plans to continue working in the industry, perhaps as a freelancer. Kevin was thrilled with his result, commenting, “I feel proud”

25-year-old Ilie Gorea from Romford is heading to Ravensbourne University to study for a Digital Content BA with an impressive D*D*D grade BTEC in digital media in his pocket. Funnily enough, Ilie, who is originally from Moldova didn’t even realise it was possible to get starred grades in his BTEC, saying “I was thrilled to see the starred grades on my results slip!”
Photography student Amy Daintree, 19, from Rainham landed the highest grade possible - D*D*D* - in her BTEC and is going to university to learn more about her passion, photography. Amy said “I’m pretty chuffed!”
With a top grade DDD under his belt in his sport BTEC, Jamie Friend, 18, from Dagenham, is taking a well-deserved gap year before heading to take up his place at University of Suffolk in 2025 on a Sports Performance Analysis degree. “I did even better than I thought I would.” said Jamie.

Future medic, 19-year-old Sophia Lontoc from Dagenham gained DMM in her science BTEC. She is off to do a Biomedical Science degree at Angela Ruskin University in Cambridge and then wants to go on to do a medical degree.Fellow BTEC science student Anisa Ahmed Aweys, 21, from Ilford got DDM and is hoping to study radiography at university, as she wants to get a job in MRI.
Natalie Davison, Principal and CEO Barking & Dagenham College said: “Our BTEC and T-level students have worked incredibly hard over the past two years. They should be very proud of what they have achieved today.
“Well done to them all; we wish them the best of luck with their future studies and employment.”