26th April 2018
The students, a mix of IT and games animation students who are part of the College?s Digital Career College took part in a two hour workshop called ?Digital Girls?.
The workshop was run by Julia Von Klonowski Digital Lead for the Career Colleges Trust; Julia explained why she feels it is important to expose young women to these opportunities:
“It’s important that we show that digital careers aren’t at all narrow; they aren’t just about things like IT and coding, which may not be of interest to them; every industry needs digital skills.
“So, young people can look at whatever industries interest them and also look at their own personality and match those together to see what sorts of career they could have.”
18 year old Aimen Nasir from Ilford who is studying IT at the College, found the workshop really inspiring, saying: “It was really helpful to find out about myself. I think it’s really good to work in IT; I’m actually the only girl in my class and I think more girls should choose to study IT.”
Donna Coombes, a mature student who travels all the way from Eltham in South East London to study the College’s well-respected Games Art and Animation BTEC said: “This workshop was good to help build my confidence and show me that there are plenty of avenues for me as a mature student."
“We did an exercise where we looked at our own personality and skill set and it gave us ideas of what sorts of careers we could possibly go into.”
If you want to find out more about courses which can help you get into a digital career, the College’s next open day is Saturday 12 May 2018, 10am - 2pm.