'Cloudy’, her final year project, was screened earlier this month at the OrzilnCorto International Film Festival in Italy. Gessami’s animation was awarded 3rd prize, quite an achievement given that 1500 films were entered.
The amusing film features a granny called Maya who has a clever way of getting rid of the clouds which pass over her garden, ruining the sunny day she is enjoying.
Her talent was spotted and nurtured by the College who presented her with the College’s Special Recognition Award during her graduation. Since graduating just a year ago, she has also had her film screened at two other international festivals: FICMA in Barcelona and Patagonia Eco Film Festival in Argentina.
Gessami, who lived in Romford whilst studying at the College, has returned to her home city of Barcelona and said of her achievements: “The festival in Italy had 1500 entries for the International category, so I am really honoured to be awarded 3rd prize for my animation.
“I am also very pleased that during 2017, my film was picked to be screened in festivals in Italy, Spain and Argentina. When I was encouraged to enter animation festivals during the course, I never dreamed that my animation would get screened or achieve a prize in a festival!”